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Discover and manage academic resources with Skolar AI, offering tools for educational content creation and…

Access a vast collection of free eBooks with Project Gutenberg, offering a platform for exploring…

Access and download a vast collection of PDFs with PDFDrive, providing tools for finding and…

Create and manage text content with Dende AI, providing AI tools for content generation and…

Enhance and refine text with QuillBot, offering AI-driven paraphrasing and writing tools for content improvement.

Access and view web content with, offering tools for bypassing paywalls and accessing information.

Enhance and manage visual content with Vribble AI, offering tools for generating and optimizing digital…

Learn Mental Models offers tools for understanding and applying mental models to improve decision-making and…

Adaptiv provides solutions for managing and optimizing various business tasks and processes, focusing on enhancing…

Petit Bot provides AI-driven solutions for managing and optimizing various business tasks, focusing on improving…

Poised offers tools for enhancing and optimizing communication skills and interview preparation, focusing on improving…

Fingerprint for Success provides tools for enhancing and optimizing personal and professional development, focusing on…